Monday, June 27, 2011

War, Peace, and Peaches

Sometimes, life just leaves you saying "Huh?"  Not in a bad way, but sometimes things are just too random, and too funny to pass up sharing.......ok here goes....

Maddy, my 14 year old, has chosen to read War and Peace, the whole 1213 pages of it.  Chosen, mind you.  I didn't assign it, it's her summer reading.  I haven't read it, Dan tried to read it when he was in high school, never finished.  I'm about to be surpassed by my daughter, ain't it grand?  :-)  Love that!

This afternoon, I was standing in the kitchen slurping while peach juices ran down my chin, as I was savoring the amazing yumminess of my first white peach of the summer.  Oh my! Peach perfection!!  So, as I often do, I started singing, (to the tune of "Deck the Halls", no, I don't know why...) "Tis the season for awesomely yummy fabulously juicy peaches, ....yum, yum, yum...yum yum....yum, yum...yum...yum  I just had one would you like one too?"  and Cait  walks in from taking the trash to the road and recycling, and picks up the tune with "I don't  have a bag big enough for the yard waste.......I don't know what IIIII'm supposed to do"    I know, I guess you had to be there, watching my sixteen year old and I making up musical conversation in the kitchen to truly appreciate how goofy our family really is.  We love to laugh!    I'm sooo thankful for them!!

Peaches $.88 lb
Trash bags $4.99
Laughing so hard I almost snorted peach juice out my nose with my daughter......priceless

May your day be blessed with laughter....

Only Because of Jesus,


Pictures are courtesy of google images...

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