Saturday, July 31, 2010

Is This Cool or What??

Ok, I know I've been away, and I'll explain about that later....promise!  But, in the meantime, I had to share this find on the Martha Stewart website from 2008 (yes, yet another example of how behind I perpetually am....sigh....) 

"What may appear at first glance to be an unconventional armoire is actually a set of bookcases attached along one side. Opened, it's a compact, self-contained, innovative crafts or office nook. Closed, it's far more decorative than any tidied-up desk, without the slightest hint of its contents.
1. Same-size bookcases, painted to match, are joined along one side by long piano hinges. One case is affixed to the wall; the other is set on casters to swing out and expose the workstation. A vintage latch adds an ornate touch."

 The possibilities are endless!  Modern or classic, funky or traditional or maybe a bit of both......what a fun idea!!!

May your day be blessed.....

Only Because of Jesus,


Sunday, July 11, 2010

It's A Two for One Deal....

My sister Merry and I decided on a two for one deal. I get to have my niece for a little over a week, and in return, or maybe as a security deposit, not sure on that one :-), I send two of our girls to Illinois with her.   So, Maddy and Clara left yesterday morning for their roadtrip 2010......the following blog is a story in pictures courtesy of Madeleine...........














Clara happy as a clam to be at Aunt Merry and Uncle Philip's house, because, let's face it, Aunt Merry gives her chocolate milk whenever she asks for it!  I mean what's not to like?  Have fun girlies!!!!  Mommy misses you already, this will be much tougher on me than on you....... sniff......sniff......

May your day be blessed....

Only Because of Jesus,


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ooookey Dokey Then......


Clara excitedly dashes up to tell me, and I quote, "In my world everyone is horses, and they eat rainbows and poop butterflies!"  Ooookey Dokey then.......not sure if I want to join her world.


I think in my world, all cleaning would magically be done (a la Mary Poppins), and one could eat chocolate


and chessescake, along with coffee of course without gaining weight.


Yeah, now that's a world I can get behind........I'm just sayin'.........

May the rest of your day be blessed....

Only Because of Jesus,


Anybody else have these sorts of problems.......?

Maybe I'm like this turtle trying to be a shark....trying to organize this crew into their own chore charts and actually expecting them to do it !



a poem about responsibility

There was a most important job that needed to be done,
And no reason not to do it, there was absolutely none.
But in vital matters such as this, the thing you have to ask
Is who exactly will it be who'll carry out the task?

Anybody could have told you that everybody knew
That this was something somebody would surely have to do.
Nobody was unwilling; anybody had the ability.
But nobody believed that it was their responsibility.

It seemed to be a job that anybody could have done,
If anybody thought he was supposed to be the one.
But since everybody recognised that anybody could,
Everybody took for granted that somebody would.

But nobody told anybody that we are aware of,
That he would be in charge of seeing it was taken care of.
And nobody took it on himself to follow through,
And do what everybody thought that somebody would do.

When what everybody needed so did not get done at all,
Everybody was complaining that somebody dropped the ball.
Anybody then could see it was an awful crying shame,
And everybody looked around for somebody to blame.

Somebody should have done the job
And Everybody should have,
But in the end Nobody did
What Anybody could have.

          --  Charles Osgood

And so goes the chore chart wars in the land of B.  Hope y'all are having a fabulous holiday weekend!!!

May your day be blessed......

Only Because of Jesus,


Photo by ruined21

Thursday, July 1, 2010


     Ya know when you read a quote, and it hits you right between the eyes?  Then you read it slowly, again, just to make sure you really just read what you read, and it hits even harder the second time?  Good, me read this one, and be prepared........

"Resentment is like drinking poison, and hoping it will kill your enemies."

                                                                          -- Nelson Mandela

     Wow, so very true!!!  Ouch!!  I know, theoretically, I knew this, I mean, Jesus talks about such things!  But I'd never heard it put so succinctly, maybe God was speaking to me, ok, He was speaking to me....sometimes, He uses the strangest things to get my attention, and show me the ugliness that has built up in my soul, that I didn't even realize was there...stuff that only He can cleanse me of....
(I'm gonna be brutally honest, I'm gonna show you the picture version of this, possibly the worst picture ever taken of me, no makeup, and taken at an angle that shows every line, every wrinkle, every blemish, NOT for the squeamish..). 


If you haven't run away screaming, I'll ask....
Did it speak to you? The quote, I mean....  I'd love to hear your thoughts.......

May your day be blessed....

Only Because of Jesus,
