Saturday, July 31, 2010

Is This Cool or What??

Ok, I know I've been away, and I'll explain about that later....promise!  But, in the meantime, I had to share this find on the Martha Stewart website from 2008 (yes, yet another example of how behind I perpetually am....sigh....) 

"What may appear at first glance to be an unconventional armoire is actually a set of bookcases attached along one side. Opened, it's a compact, self-contained, innovative crafts or office nook. Closed, it's far more decorative than any tidied-up desk, without the slightest hint of its contents.
1. Same-size bookcases, painted to match, are joined along one side by long piano hinges. One case is affixed to the wall; the other is set on casters to swing out and expose the workstation. A vintage latch adds an ornate touch."

 The possibilities are endless!  Modern or classic, funky or traditional or maybe a bit of both......what a fun idea!!!

May your day be blessed.....

Only Because of Jesus,


1 comment:

  1. Well..I never saw this either! What a fabulous idea!!
