Caught in the Act.....
Busted!!!! (For the record, the t-shirt was a gift from a very funny dear friend of mine....ok, Mary, you've been immortalized on the blog..... lol! :-)
Ok, now that you see just a taste of what kind of cheeky wee monkey he is, some things I never in a million years thought would come out of my mouth.........
"No, Samuel, Woody doesn't want to walk in the poop, neither does Bob!!" (Said while trying to change a very poopy nappy....)
"Yayyyyyy!! Sir Samuel of Poopsalot has slain the evil cricket with his sword!!"
"Let's go through this again, I am NOT Rapunzel, nor a jungle gym, and my hair is NOT your own personal leverage system!"
"Dude, the high chair tray is NOT your own personal surf board...."
"Ewwwwww! Oh come on Samuel, stop licking the floor!!"
"Son, everything is NOT a football......"
"Son, dancing on the table is something you save for drunken college parties that I want to know nothing about......." (that one was said out of earshot of any of the other kids.....:-)
"Sam, ladies don't view whacking as form of affection, pretty soon your cuteness factor will wear off and they WILL whack you back.......somehow, then, I don't think you'll think is so funny...."
I could go on......raising this boy is funny, challenging (he's full into the serious temper tantrum stage), and most of the time, just plain fun! I'm sure I have more of any of you have some? Boys are such a blast! May your weekend be blessed....
Only Because of Jesus,
Hi Annie, Maisie from the TP here...Just a note to let you know I called in to see how you're doing and let you know I'm thinking about you.